Design of an automated accessions register for Namuwongo Community Library
The purpose of the study was to design an online accessions system for Namuwongo Community Library (NCL) Library. The objectives of the study were to; examine the current accessions system, identify the challenges in the current accessions system at Namuwongo Community Library, determine the necessary requirements for designing an online accessions system for Namuwongo Community Library, and design and develop an online accessions system for Namuwongo Community Library.
The study employed a case study and used a qualitative research approach in data collection. The study used purposive sampling to select 12 respondents who participated in the study. Interview, observation methods and document analysis method were used to collect data for the study.
The study revealed that currently, Namuwongo Community Library is using a manual accessions register with a lot of weaknesses such as; time consuming, slow retrieval of data, poor data storage, misplacement of the accessions registers, and lack of efficiency in the process of adding new resources difficult in report generation and statistics. The suggested user requirements for the online accessions system for Namuwongo Community Library were; ability to search for the information resources available in the library, ability to secure the system users details, ability to preserve and protect the information resources details available in the library, among others.
The study concluded that there is need to implement the online accessions system, to train the library staff on how to use the online accessions system, ensure that a library accessions committee is formulated and provide enough budget to the library in order to support the librarians and purchase more computers and the necessary software in the implementation of the online accessions system for Namuwongo Community Library.
The study recommended that Namuwongo Community Library should implement the an online accessions system to help the library staff in the process of adding new information resources, should ensure that a library accessions committee is formulated and purchase more computers to support the librarians in the accessioning of the information resources, acquire more library staff, increase the library funding and collaborate with the library board members