Analyzing the storage and security of employee files in Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA)
The purpose of the study was to analyze the storage and security of employee files at Kampala Capital City Authority Headquarters. The objectives were to: Analyze the different types of employee files handled by the Kampala Capital City Authority, assess the storage and security practices of employee files at Kampala Capital City Authority, identify the challenges faced by Kampala Capital City Authority in the storage and security of employee files, develop recommendations to improve storage and security of employee files at KCCA.
The study used a qualitative and quantitative approach and the samples were selected purposely. Questionnaire, interview and observation were the data collection methods used in the study. The study focused on a population of 10 respondents which included five records officers, two human resource staffs, two IT staffs, and one head of department.
The study found out that application files, confirmation letters files, appointment letters files, performance appraisal files, retirement files , leave forms files dismissal letter files were the different types of employee files kept at KCCA, metallic open shelves, filing cabinets, acid free boxes and drawers were the storage equipments used to store employee files, the challenges experienced were limited registry space, dust, inadequate storage equipments, misplacement and misfiling of files, the employee files management practices were: filing, classification and indexing. Most of the employee files were in paper form.
The study concluded that the storage and security of employee files at KCCA was not so good due to inadequate storage equipments and limited registry space. This had brought about congestion of files in the filing cabinets hence leading to tear and wear of employee files. Therefore KCCA board of directors should allocate funds to the records department to purchase more storage equipments such as filing cabinets and open shelves and more registry space to create space for the newly created volume of employee files. The study also concluded that the storage area for employee files and other records in the registry is inadequate. Therefore paper records should be digitized to avoid squeezing of records hence easy retrieval of employee files records.
The study recommended that if Kampala Capital City Authority would purchase more registry space and digitizes most of the paper form files, this would help to create more storage space for a mass volume of employee files generated. The employee files would also be secured thus making retrieval process easy. The study recommended that Kampala Capital City Authority should formulate a records management policy and procedures, digitize employee files to save space, allocate more funds to purchase the adequate storage equipments, installation of curtains in windows and dusting regularly making employee files safe and secure.