Design and Implementation of a Real-time Electronic Voting Machine using GSM
The project was about designing and implementing a voting machine that uses GSM technology. In the methodology; we had to learn C programming language, consulted different groups of people to evaluate people’s preference in electronic voting systems, selected the microprocessor platform to work with, wrote code run it on acquired hardware components as well as testing the designed prototype.
Key results include reducing the costs incurred, reducing the chances of having invalid votes and time saving during the voting process. We concluded with our supervisors that our objectives had been met because the designed prototype was working as expected, it is easy to use even for the illiterates. Tallying of results is done automatically without any errors that would come as a result of the fatigued personnel or deliberate malpractice.
We recommend that the project be appreciated by everyone as it is aimed at improving the electoral systems of our institutions, and the country at large. We welcome any contributions that may improve this project to greater levels in the future.