Work place design, job performance and turnover intentions among employees at Reach a Hand Uganda(RAHU)
Managers have always been faced with a problem of retaining highly productive and satisfied employees however most organizations around the world are facing a high Turnover Intentions ratio. The purpose of the study was to find out the relationship between work place Design, job performance and Turnover Intentions among employees of Reach a Hand Uganda (RAHU).
A correlational survey design was adopted using a sample of 40 respondents who were selected using convenience sampling techniques to target respondents who participated in the study. The researcher used a self-administered questionnaire to collect data for the study. The researcher sought for permission from the organization by getting an introductory letter from the School of Psychology to introduce the researcher to the Human Resource of Reach A Hand Uganda.
The data was analyzed using a Statistical Package for Social Scientists (21.0 program). Findings in the table showed that there is a significant negative relationship between workplace design and turnover intentions (r= -0.410**; P<0.01), showed a non-significant relationship between job performance and turnover intentions (r=0.129, p=.428>0.01) and a positive significant relationship between workplace design and job performance since (r= .364*, P=.201<0.05).
Since findings showed that there is a significant relationship between workplace design and performance, managers need to identify factors which are incorporated in the workplace design which involve lighting, spatial arrangement, office design, job characteristics which help in determining performance.