Final year project report: re-engineering the Davis automatic weather station for Uganda National meteorological authority (UNMA)
The contents of this report give a full description of the activities undertaken in the due course of undertaking the final year project. The final year project together with this report is primarily meant to satisfy the partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of a Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunications Engineering at Makerere University. This exercise enabled metro practically apply the concepts learnt at University by providing an engineering solution for a problem, “Re-Engineering the Davis Automatic Weather Station for Uganda National Meteorological Authority (UNMA).” Chapter 1 gives an introduction and background about the Davis ISS. Chapter 2 gives the literature on work undertaken, methodology, theory, practicability, field testing and actions taken in developing the main theme and the prototype. Chapter 3highlightsthe recommendations and conclusions among others. It should be noted that all observations herein are entirely my own and bear no trace of plagiarism. Work that is not mine is clearly referenced as per Makerere University guidelines.