Spectrum sharing algorithm for device-to-device communication in cellular networks
Device-to-Device (D2D) communication in cellular networks enables direct communi-
cation between mobile users nearby without going through the Base Station (BS). It
enhances spectral e ciency through the increased sharing of the cellular spectrum, im-
proves on the network capacity and energy e ciency, reduces on latency, and guarantees
user Quality of Service (QoS). However, D2D links in a cellular system generate intra-cell
interference to existing cellular networks during spectrum sharing which degrades the
overall network performance.
This project proposes an algorithm for the selection of multiple D2D users allowed to
share radio resources for D2D communication already scheduled by the BS for a given
cellular user while minimizing the interference in the network. The BS chooses suitable
multiple D2D users that are allowed to share a given cellular user's radio resources using
distance-based selection criteria i.e. the D2D pairs allocated resources were placed at a
distance greater than 100m from the base station and 50m from the cellular user. This
was achieved through simulations done with the MATLAB software.
Our results show increased total cell spectral e ciency (SE) with the algorithm and users
have a guarantee of achieving their QoS requirements. In conclusion, D2D performs better
when indoor and D2D users are placed far away from the base station and cellular user
for the outdoor scenario. We recommend that D2D pairs allocated the same resources
as the cellular user be at a far distance from the base station and the legitimate user
(Cellular User).