dc.description.abstract | The main objective of the study was to find out knowledge, attitude and practice of men towards
family planning case study of Kisenyi ward Mbarara municipality with a purpose of assessing
men’s involvement in family planning. Men involvement helps not only in accepting a
contraceptive but also in its effective use and continuation. The objectives were to assess the
men’s knowledge, attitude and practice, to find out demographic factors that influence men’s
knowledge, attitude and practice, to find out socio-cultural factors that influence men’s
knowledge, attitude and practice and to find out socio-economic factors that influence men’s
knowledge, attitude and practice.
The target area was Kisenyi ward Kakoba division Mbarara municipality were selected 175 men
were interviewed with an aid of questionnaire.175 respondents were interviewed by convenient
sampling and data was captured by use of Epidata later exported to STATA to test hypotheses as
regards the specific objectives of the study.
It was found out that there is a relationship between attitude and the men’s religion and marital
status because the probability values were less than 0.05. It was further found out that there was
no relationship between attitude and education and occupation of men since the probability
values were greater than 0.05.
It was found out that there is a relationship between knowledge and the men’s marital status
because the probability values were less than 0.05. It was further found out that there was no
relationship between knowledge and education, religion and occupation of men since the
probability values were greater than 0.05.
It was found out that there is a relationship between practice and the men’s religion because the
probability values were less than 0.05. It was further found out that there was no relationship
between practice and education, marital status and occupation of men since the probability
values were greater than 0.05.
The government through ministry of Health should extend family planning services to rural
population by also putting into consideration men involvement in order to achieve NDP two
target of 4.5 children per women. | |