Now showing items 180-199 of 271

      Patterns of zoonotic helminths’ co-infections among habituated chimpanzees in Budongo Forest Reserve [1]
      Perceptions and attitudes towards urban green spaces: a case study of Kampala Metropolitan Area [1]
      The perceptions of farmers on animal welfare and the different draught animal training methods in Kaberamaido district [1]
      Persistence of draught animal power in the farming households of Eastern Uganda: A comparative study of Kumi and Kapchorwa Districts [1]
      Porcine cysticercosis : Prevalence at Ediofe pig slaughter slabs and its risk factors at Pajulu Sub-County Arua District [1]
      The potential effects of 17-alpha-methyltestosterone on toad (sclerophrys regularis) population in fish ponds at Aquafarm Consultants Limited [1]
      Poultry pests, diseases, predators and associated ethnoveterinary practices by farmers rearing indigenous poultry in Namayingo District, Uganda [1]
      The prevalence and animal demographic factors associated with occurance of fascioliasis among cattle slaughtered in Arua City Abattoir [1]
      Prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility of enterobacteriaceae isolated from uteri of cattle slaughtered at city abattoir, Kampala [1]
      Prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of campylobacter isolated from slaughtered pigs at Wambizzi abattoir in Kampala Uganda [1]
      Prevalence and diversity of Helminth eggs in faeces of habituated mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) from Bwindi Impenetrable National Park [1]
      Prevalence and economic loss resulting from condemnation of cattle livers due to liver flukes at Soroti main abattoir [1]
      Prevalence and factors associated with gastrointestinal helminths in goats in Muyembe Subcounty, Bulambuli District [1]
      Prevalence and factors of gastrointestinal helminth infections in cattle in Busaba sub-county Butaleja district, Eastern Uganda. [1]
      The prevalence and infestation levels of Ecto and Metazoan endoparasites in Chicken submitted for necropsy at College of Veterinary Medicine, Makerere University [1]
      Prevalence and predisposing factors of crop pesticide use for tick control on selected cattle farms in Bukakata Sub-County, Masaka District [1]
      Prevalence and risk factors associated with coccidiosis in broiler chicken in Adjumani Town Council, Adjumani. [1]
      Prevalence and risk factors associated with gastrointestinal helminths in goats in Kihungya Sub-County Buliisa District [1]
      Prevalence and risk factors associated with Haemonchosis among goats slaughtered at Kampala City Abattoir, Uganda [1]
      Prevalence and risk factors of coccidiosis in goats and cattle in Sekyi Parish,Wabinyonyi Subcounty, Nakasongola District, Central Uganda [1]