Now showing items 204-223 of 224

      Sero-prevalence of brucellosis in goats in Kululu Subcounty In Yumbe District [1]
      Sero-prevalence of salmonella Typhi and its associated factors in patients presenting with febrile illnesses at Kisenyi heath Centre IV, Kampala Uganda. [1]
      Sero-protection of Hepatitis B vaccine and factors associated with vaccine failure among vaccinated medical students at Makerere University [1]
      Seroprevalence of pathogenic Leptosira and associated risk factors among febrile dogs presented at small animal clinics in Kampala metropolitan area, Uganda [1]
      Seroprevalence of Pathogenic leptospira Serovars among owned Asymptomatic dogs in urban and periurban Kampala [1]
      Short term viability of turkey semen extended with coconut milk fortified with watermelon juice [1]
      Stability of spoilage- Pseudomonas- specific phages to selected physicochemical conditions [1]
      Stakeholders along the pig–product value chain in selected divisions of Hoima City [1]
      Staphylococcal contamination and its associated antibiotic profiles among dairy products sold around Kampala [1]
      Storage conditions and aflatoxin quality in bread sold in selected shops and supermarkets around Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda [1]
      Structural analysis of pathogenic proteins of B. anthracis and their interaction with human proteins [1]
      Structural analysis of the interaction of embB protein mutations of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with ethambutol and their effect on the interaction [1]
      A survey of a range of proteins that are upregulated during stress and their mechanistic role in causing protein folding diseases [1]
      To determine level of adherence to Widal protocol by private health facilities around Makerere University [1]
      Toxic Effects Of 2, 4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid on Bovine Spermatozoa Function In-Vitro [1]
      Typhoid fever among patients with malaria attending Kumi Hospital Ongino in Kumi District [1]
      The use of HLA-1 structures in the design of a computer based liver stage malaria vaccine [1]
      Use of water melon juice to evaluate functional membrane integrity of bull epididymal sperm [1]
      Viability of indigenous probiotic bacteria of swine origin under room temperature [1]
      Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) content of selected brands of processed fruit juice sold in Mega Supermarkets in Kampala, Uganda [1]