Now showing items 1-10 of 45
Geological field study report of Semliki Basin, Albertine Graben Western Uganda
(Makerere University, 2021-03-12)
The field work involved stratigraphic logging, facies analysis, depositional environmental and petroleum potential of the study area.
The study area comprised of fluvial, deltaic and lacustrine sediments.The basin was a ...
Geological mapping project report of Igayaza-isingiro district, Uganda.
(Makerere University, 2019)
This report is a summary of the Geologic mapping course carried out in Gayaza, Isingiro district on the Gayaza synclinorium, within the Karagwe-Ankolean system of rocks. This excursion was aimed at equipping students with ...
Geologic and stratigraphic logging project report of Semliki Basin, Albertine Graben, Ntoroko district, Western Uganda
(Makerere University, 2020-12-21)
Students pursuing Petroleum Geoscience and Production program are required to carry out field work and excursion study in the Albertine graben under the guidance of lecturers during the recess term of third year of their ...
Geological and stratigraphy field study of Kibuku Area (Semliki Basin) report
(Makerere University, 2022-04-26)
A field work and excursion study to the Albertine graben under the guidance of our lecturers during the recess term of third year of our study for 14 days. The area of study was Semliki basin located in the southern part ...
Geologic and ztratigraphic logging project report for Semliki Basin
(Makerere University Kampala, 2022-01-27)
The Semliki Basin is covered by sediments that represent the Middle Miocene to recent, which are described from outcrops and well data, underlain by possible Jurrassic or Permo-Triassic to early tertiary sediments which ...
Field Study of Semiliki Sedimentary Basin
(Makerere University, 2022-01-21)
The fieldwork was a period of 10 days, from 15th March, 2021 to 24th March,2021, in the Kibuku
area of Semiliki basin, South and East of Lake Albert basin with the aim of studying the
environments and processes of ...
Fieldwork and field excursion in kibuku area, Semliki Basin within the Albertine Graben, Ntoroko District, Western Uganda
(Makerere University, 2022-01-24)
The field work accrued to this report took place from 15th to 24th March 2021 at Kibuku within
the Semliki Basin in Ntoroko district, Western Uganda. The report is made up of a seven-fold
dissection of chapters that a ...
Semliki field study report in Karugutu Bundibugyo district
(Makerere University, 2022-01-29)
The Semliki field study report includes interpretation of the stratigraphy, petrography,
sedimentology and structural data of the Semliki basin field study in the Albertine graben area,
Western Uganda at a small scale ...
A report on the geologic and stratigraphic logging project of Semlik Basin- Albertine Graben in Ntoroko District, Kibuku Area -Uganda
(Makerere University, 2022-01-21)
The report comprises a detailed compilation of findings from the Semliki basin field study in the Albertine area, Western Uganda. The materials and methodology used to achieve the main objective (i.e.; collection and ...
A field study report of the Semliki Basin in the Albertine Graben, Western Uganda
(Makerere University, 2022-05-19)
Semliki basin which was the study area is part of the Albertine graben in the EastAfrican rift system (EARS) where Uganda discovered her commercial oil reserves. The study area is found in the southern part of the Albertine ...