Now showing items 1-2 of 2
A report of Geologic Field mapping project of Semliki basin in the albertine Graben, Ntoroko District.
(Makerere University, 2020-12-17)
The area of study was Semliki basin located in the southern part of the Albertine graben, Ntoroko district, western Uganda. Semliki area lies onshore south of Lake Albert; it is bounded by the escarpment to the east and ...
A report on the geologic and stratigraphic logging project of Semliki basin-Albertine graben in Ntoroko district western Uganda.
(Makerere University, 2022-01-20)
This report documents my field excursion experience in the Albertine graben under the guidance of lecturers from the department of geology and petroleum studies-Makerere University. The area of study was Semliki basin ...