Now showing items 531-550 of 739

      Gender gaps in the tourism and hospitality employment in Uganda [1]
      Gendered farmers' perception of climate variability and change and adaptation in Paicho sub-county, Gulu District [1]
      Geospatial analysis of the impact of urbanisation on LULCs, Wakiso district (2013 to 2023) [1]
      The germination percentage and performance of Pinus caribaea seedlings under different Mycorrhizal soil ratios insitu [1]
      Graft Success of Hass Avocado Cultivar Under Nursery and Field Environmental Conditions at NaFORRI [1]
      GreenhouseGas Emissions from Municipal Solid Waste Management in Arua City. [1]
      Growth and development of tourism activities at the source of the Nile- Jinja Municipality [1]
      Harnessing the cultural resources for tourism development in Lango Sub-region: A case study of Apac District [1]
      Hazardous waste transportation in Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital [1]
      Horticultural Farmers' Perceptions on Safety and Compliance to Precautions in the use of Agro-chemicals. [1]
      Hotel services and guest satisfaction in Jinja City: case study of Crested Crane Hotel, Hotel Paradise and Nile Village Hotel [1]
      Human causes of wetland degradation in Ruhumma wetland Muko Sub-county, Rubanda District [1]
      Human disturbance and impacts on Maruzi central forest reserve, Uganda. [1]
      Human-wildlife conflicts and local people involvement around Kibale National Park [1]
      The ICT platforms 3-star hotels have used to overcome Covid-19 business related effects in Kampala, Uganda [1]
      Identification and occurrence of various species of Mistletoes on Tea cultivars at Rwebitaba Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute Gene-bank, Kyenjojo District [1]
      Impact of climate change on tourism resources and development: a case of Murchison Falls National park, Buliisa Community [1]
      Impact of climate changing patterns of malaria disease in Kampala district from (2011 to 2020). [1]
      The impact of climate variability on people's livelihood in Isingiro District [1]
      Impact of climate variability on water resource conflicts in Kivu village, Wakiso district. [1]