Computerized library management system for Gombe secondary school Butambala district
A library is a building in which collections of books, newspapers, CDS among others are kept for people to read, study and borrow.(Joanna et al., 2010)
Libraries have a significant role and are a basis through which academic endeavours revolve thus automation has helped in the efficiency of library activities like circulation of materials to library users and proper cataloguing.(Tsekea, 2015)
This project is aimed at automating the school library such that all activities are computerised and the computerised system was designed using NetBeans which is an integrated Development Environment java language, the system will be used by the librarians to control the inflow and the out flow of books and newspapers in and out this library. The librarian will log in into the system through entering a password and in case he enters a wrong one, he will be asked to enter the password again, he is also able to capture details of a student, new book, manage borrower, view the borrowers status, generate lists of books available in the library, generate report by class, level or general report for all students compute the statistics of the returned books and one which haven’t been returned and also new books