Nutrient composition and functional value of Ajon
Traditional millet beers are produced in several countries of Africa, but variations in the manufacturing process may occur depending on the geographic localization. These beers are very rich in calories, B-group vitamins including thiamine, pyridoxine and riboflavin. However, the traditional millet beer is less attractive than western beers because of its poorer hygienic quality, organoleptic variations and shorter shelf life.
Microbial growth causes complex changes to the nutritive value of the beer by changing the composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and by the utilization or secretion of vitamins.
In the ajon, the average ethanol concentration was 1.0763g/100mL, carbohydrates concentration was 0.82mg/mL, lipids concentration was 15.65mg/mL, proteins concentration was 1.872x102%, and the pH was 4.8. The titratable acidity was 1.725% and the concentration of minerals magnesium and phosphorous were 0.117mg/mL and 0.278mg/mL respectively.
Ajon has a lower alcohol and a lower protein content compared to regular beer.