Guidelines for improving library services at Kibuli Senior Secondary School Library
A study was carried out on Guidelines for improving library services at Kibuli Senior Secondary School Library (KSSS). The specific objectives included; to establish the current status of library services, to find out how the various library services are managed, to identify the challenges in providing library services at KSSS and to propose the best guidelines for improving library services at KSSS.
The study employed a case study research design and data was collected from a sample of 92 respondents. Purposive sampling was used to collect data from the teachers and the librarians while stratified sampling was used to collect data from the students. Questionnaires, interview guides and observation guides were used to obtain data from the respondents.
The study revealed that reading space services and book lending services were the most library services offered at Kibuli SSS Library. Inadequate reading space was the most challenge encountered in the provision of library services at Kibuli SSS Library. Other challenges included inadequate ICTs, restricted reading hours, outdated information materials, busy schedule of the school and loss of library cards by the students.
The study also revealed the need to increasing reading space in KSSS library, to provide adequate time to users, to purchase more computers and to stock update in order to improve the library services provided at Kibuli SSS Library.
The study was concluded with the following recommendations; the guidelines for improving library services at Kibuli SSS Library such as; increase the funding of the school library especially purchase of more computers, increase reading space and reading hours, digitization of the library, introducing displays and document delivery services, ensure that the library property is properly protected by restricting access and providing guideline usage in the library.
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