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dc.contributor.authorSsekitooleko, Jerome
dc.identifier.citationSsekitooleko, J. (2019). Profitability of Coffee Production among the Youth in Kirumba Sub County, Kyotera District. Makerere Universityen_US
dc.descriptionThe study focused on investigating the profitability of coffee production among the youth in Kirumba Sub County, Kyotera district. This was intended to provide information that would aid in policy making and laying out strategies to enhance the returns that the youth attain from the participation in coffee production.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe study was carried out to investigate the profitability of coffee production among the youth in Kirumba Sub County, Kyotera district. It was to characterize the production and marketing systems used by the youth coffee farmers, compute the profitability of coffee production and also determine the factors that influence the profitability of coffee production. Primary data sources were used which included a questionnaires and interviews. The target population was 60 youth farmers that is 30 coffee, 16 bananas and 14 beans from Kirumba Sub County, Kyotera district. Random sampling technique was employed to compare the view of the youth farmers from four villages which were randomly selected. The data was analyzed using Ordinary Least Squares. A linear regression was run to analyze coffee profitability. Data presentation was inform of tables and figures to help interpret the findings and generate conclusions that aided solution to the identified challenges. The research established that sex, land size, time spent growing coffee, access to extension services, distance from the market and herbicide use greatly affected the profitability of coffee among the youth. The study recommended that there was need for more youth farmer groups, ICT integration so as to ease information access and also more farmer trainings should be done so that the youth can adjust to the ever changing coffee sector. This will help increase coffee profitability among the youthen_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectCoffee productionen_US
dc.subjectCoffee tradeen_US
dc.titleProfitability of Coffee Production among the Youth in Kirumba Sub County, Kyotera Districten_US

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