Peer Pressure, Drug Abuse and Delinquent Behaviors among High School Students in Kampala District
The study aimed at finding the relationship between Peer pressure support drug abuse and delinquent behaviors among adolescents. The study was conducted in Kinaawa High school located in Kampala district. The study targeted 100 adolescents 55 males and 45 females aged 12 to 19 years from the entire student’s population.
The researcher used simple random sampling during the period of data collection. The objectives of the study were to examine the relationship between peer pressure drug and drug abuse among adolescents to examine the relationship between drug abuse and delinquent behaviors among adolescents and to examine the relationship between drug abuse and delinquent behaviors among adolescents. The Peer pressure and conformity scale was used for peer pressure. Alcohol substance involvement screening test (version 3) for drug abuse and the self report delinquency instrument for delinquent behaviors. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between Peer pressure and drug abuse (r= 677**, p>000). Results showed that there is a significant relationship between peer pressure and delinquent behaviors (r=852**, p>000). Results showed that there is a significant relationship between drug abuse and delinquent behaviors (r=.750**, p>000). The hypotheses were tested using Pearson correlation coefficient.