dc.description.abstract | Production and productivity of soybean is highly threatened by mainly fungal diseases in Uganda and the fact that soybean resistance is difficult to obtain due to high degree of genetic variability of the pathogen. This makes fungal disease control entirely depend on chemicals whenever damage crosses the economic injury levels. However, little is known about the most effective fungicide to use to minimize soybean yield reduction in Uganda, Use of pesticides and fertilizer have been encouraged to manage diseases and also boost plant resistance.Several fungicides have been used to manage the disease, although the effectiveness of them usually reduces after being used every season for long time. This research investigated the efficacy of azoxystrobin and a combination of metalaxyl and mancozebin management of soybean rust under field conditions at the Makerere university research institute kabanyolo, using a randomized complete block design with three replicates. . Disease severity was scored fifteen days after planting using a 1-4 scaleaccordingto (Shanmugasunderarm,1977). and it was carried out six times. Data was also collected on leaf area, plant height, number of leaves, number of pods and it was subjected to analysis of variance and means were separated using LSD at 5% probability level Significant differences. Higher mean yields were obtained by use of azoxystrobin fungicide (1680kg/ha), compared to combination of mancozeb and metalaxyl(1094kg/ha). Further research should be done to identify fungicides that can also be used . This information is relevant to commercial soybean growers whose aim is to maximize the yields and obtain profits. | en_US |