Now showing items 73-92 of 128

      A natural approach to circumvent shortages of distilled water in LMICS: a low-cost water purification unit [1]
      Optimizing medical waste management through design, implementation and assessment of a hand-held sort-it device incorporating magnetic separation technology [1]
      Parameters for grading the toxic severity of test chemicals : a review article in the advancement of unknown drugs into the clinic [1]
      Pattern of cervical cancer among females presenting to Makerere University Pathology Core Reference Laboratory. A 5-year review [1]
      Pattern of cervical cancer among females presenting to Makerere University Pathology Core Reference Laboratory. A 5-year review. [1]
      Prevalance of ESBL and carbapenemase-producing klebsiella pneumoniae from clinical isolates at Makerere University Medical Microbiology Labaratory. [1]
      Prevalance of extended spectrum beta-lactamases among escherichia coli and klebsiella pneumoniae in isolates from Mulago National Referral Hospital. [1]
      Prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility profile of Acinetobacter Species, among blood culture samples received at Makerere University College of Health Science (MakCHS) Clinical Microbiology Laboratory between March and August 2021. [1]
      Prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of bacteria causing otitis media among children <5years attending outpatient department in Mbale Regional Referral Hospital, Eastern Uganda [1]
      Prevalence and drug susceptibility pattern of pseudomonas aeruginosa using test records from February to June 2020 at Clinical Microbiology Laboratory Makerere University. [1]
      Prevalence and factors associated with needlestick and sharps injuries among cleaning staff in Mulago Specialized National Referral Hospital, Uganda [1]
      The prevalence and patterns of fatal traumatic head injuries at an urban public hospital; a retrospective postmortem examination study at Mulago National Referral Hospital. [1]
      Prevalence of CTXM gene in isolates of enterobacteriaceae collected from the Microbiology Laboratory [1]
      Prevalence of benign conditions of the thyroid gland as detected by the Pathology Department among patients attending FNAC Clinic Pathology Department Makerere University College of Health Sciences [1]
      Prevalence of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and its associated risk factors among women attending mulago national referral hospital [1]
      Prevalence of CTX-M antimicrobial resistance gene in enterobacteraceae isolates that were collected in Microbiology Laboratory College of Health Sciences, Mulago. [1]
      The Prevalence Of Ctxm Gene Among Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase Producing Enterobacteriaceae Isolates That Were Collected From The Microbiology Lab From 9th To 16th August, 2022. [1]
      Prevalence of CTXM-resistant gene among enterobacteriaceae isolates from Clinical Microbiology Laboratory at the College of Health Sciences Makerere University [1]
      Prevalence of ESBL genes (CTXM and TEM) among E.coli isolates from Entebbe Regional Referral Hospital. [1]
      Prevalence of ESBLs among E.coli and K.pneumoniae isolates from Mulago National Referral Hospital [1]