Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Cytological evaluation of nipple discharges among symptomatic patients who attended FNAC Clinic of Pathology Core Laboratory Makerere University
(Makerere University, 2019)
Background: Nipple discharge (ND), refers to a secreted fluid from the breast and it is the third most common breast disease symptom and complaint following mastaglia and breast lump. Its most often associated with a benign ...
Prevalence of benign conditions of the thyroid gland as detected by the Pathology Department among patients attending FNAC Clinic Pathology Department Makerere University College of Health Sciences
(Makerere University, 2019-07)
Background: Benign thyroid disorders are common in Africa. Benign disorders are usually due to environmental toxins such as exposure to radiation, due to genetics, diet, stress, local trauma or injury, inflammation or ...
Cytological abnormalities in soft tissue tumors seen at Cytology Clinic of Pathology Department Makerere University College of Health Sciences.
Background; Most soft-tissue tumors are benign, outnumbering malignant tumors approximately 150:1 with roughly 20 malignant soft-tissue tumors per 1 million people in the United States (Krumme & Kotwal, 2010). This also ...
Fine needle aspiration cytology findings of breast lumps in female patients presenting with palpable breast masses at Pathology Department Makerere University College of Health Sciences
Background: A palpable breast lump is a common clinical problem that presents to surgeons,
gynaecologists and general practitioners. In the past, excisional biopsy was the accepted practice
current practices utilize ...
Parameters for grading the toxic severity of test chemicals : a review article in the advancement of unknown drugs into the clinic
(Advances in Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology Research, 2019)
Grading of toxic severity of a test chemical is a routine procedure in experimental toxicology to support regulatory policy in categorisation and harmful labeling decisions. Harmful labeling decision is usually made on the ...