Growth and yield response of cowpea to rhizobium inoculation and phosphorus fertilizer application
The field experiment was carried out at Makerere University Agricultural Research Institute,
Kabanyolo (MUARIK) in Wakiso district, Uganda to evaluate the growth and yield response
of cowpea to rhizobium inoculation and phosphorus fertilizer application in a randomised
complete block design with split plot arrangement, and replicated three times. The main plot
treatments comprised the inoculation with cowpea rhizobium, while the sub-plots comprised
four levels of phosphorus (TSP) fertilizer application. The fertilizer treatment levels were: 0
kg P/ha (the control), 20kg P/ha, 40kg P/ha and 60 kg P/ha. The data collected included; dry
weight of aboveground biomass, dry weight of belowground biomass, number of leaves per
plant, number of nodules per plant, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per plant,
weight of 100-grains per plot and grain yield per square metre. Results from the experiment
showed that rhizobium inoculation and application of phosphorus fertilizer better enhanced
growth characteristics and nodulation of cowpea when compared with the un-inoculated
cowpea seeds. The un-inoculated cowpea seeds gave higher grain yield than the inoculated
ones. The 40 kg P/ha application rate recorded the highest grain yield than all the other P
fertilizer levels. It was, therefore, recommended that rhizobium inoculation with P fertilizer
application rate of 40 kg P/ha should be used for vegetative growth while as P fertilizer
application only should be used for grain production.