Assessment of performance potential of local chicken on selected farms in Busukuma Sub-County, Wakiso District, Central Uganda
A study was conducted to assess local chicken performance in Busukuma sub-county in Wakiso district. Data was captured using a semi-structured questionnaire administered to 37 respondents. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistical methods, having been collated as absolute figures or percentages. Chicken flock ranged from 2 to 69 and birds of interest were those aged 6 months and above.
The majority of respondents kept chicken mainly for home consumption (83.3%), both commercial and subsistence (16.7%). Indigenous chicken ranking as a source of income was tertiary (83.3%), secondary (16.7%) and primary (0%). Majority of the farmers had spent above 20 years in farming (41.7%), 5-10 years (33.3%), less than 5 years (19.4%) and 11-20 years (5.6%). Adult male chicken have a mean weight of 1651g compared to 1253g for adult female. Most cocks reached sexual maturity at 7.94 months and 7.64 months for hens, with age at first mating for cocks at 8.14 month and age at first egg laying of 7.98 month with a mean clutch size of 9 eggs per hen having 3 clutches per year and laying an average of 50 eggs per hen per year. The hatchability was high (91.2) and chick survival to weaning was moderate (55.7%), majority of hens weaned chicks at the age of 4.97 weeks. The mean egg weight was 1.77oz with egg breadth and length averaging 3.83cms and 5.38cm respectively.