The comparative study of observational drawings done at the Margaret Trowel School of Industrial and Fine Art compared to those done elsewhere
The study was meant to make a complete comparative study of the observational drawings both done at Margaret Trowell School of Industrial and Fine Art compared to those done elsewhere. The study captures the observational drawings done by students at the Margaret Trowell School of Industrial and Fine Art, Makerere University Kampala compared with observational drawings done by students in selected areas elsewhere. More so, the thesis was based on the following objectives in relation to the study topic:
To investigate and carry a visual research done at the Margaret Trowell School of industrial and Fine art and the observation drawings done elsewhere.
To analyze and compare the collected observational drawings in terms of the qualities of the observational drawings.
To find out the best practices and solutions to the problems faced by drawings students at the Margaret Trowell School of Industrial and fine art compared to those done elsewhere.
In chapter one, the researcher presented the introductory part of the entire study, the background of the study, the research problem, the purpose of the study.
In chapter two, the researcher presented some of the related literature in relation to the study objectives, quotations were made based on the study of the research.
Chapter three involved the methodology, the researcher presented the research design, area of study, target population, sampling data collection methods, research instruments, data processing analysis.
In chapter four, the researcher presented, analyzed, interpreted, and discussed the findings or the information got from the field basing on the objectives of the study.
Finally, in chapter five of the study, the conclusions, and recommendations were made basing on the results got from the field.