An Analysis on the Relationship between Performance Appraisal and Firm Performance in the Tourism Industry: A Case Study of Uganda Wildlife Education Center
The purpose of this study is to assess the relationship between performance appraisal and firm performance in the tourism industry. The study was guided by three objectives namely. Firstly, to find out whether identifying the strengths and weaknesses of employees helps achieve performance at UWEC. Secondly, to find out whether influencing working habits of the employees helps achieve performance at UWEC. Lastly, to examine whether reviewing and retaining the promotional and other training programs leads to increased performance. The data was collected from UWEC staff member and a sample of 40 respondents was taken with 10 non-respondents. Results from comparison of means revealed that there was a relationship between gender, age and education level with identifying strengths and weaknesses of employees and also influencing working habits of employees. The time series analysis of test for stationarity indicated there was no stationarity but rather there was a trend in the number of tourists visiting UWEC in the past 10 years in which performance appraisal has been taking place which showed that there is relationship between performance appraisal and firm performance.