A collection development policy for Kampala Parents School Library
The aim of the study was to develop a collection development policy for Kampala Parents School Library that defines the scope and nature of library materials and also guide in the selection, evaluation, acquisition and maintenance of the library collection. The study specific objectives were to: Examine the current approaches to library collection development at KPS Library, Determine the significance of a CDP at KPS library, Determine the challenges faced whilst operating without a CDP at KPS library, Develop an appropriate CDP that will define the scope and nature of library materials and also guide in the selection, evaluation, acquisition and maintenance of the library collection
The study employed a case study approach of the qualitative research design to collect data and successfully engaged an actual sample size of 266 respondents which included Pupils, Teachers, Administrators, and Library staff selected in a simple random sampling technique and engaged through individual and focus group interviews.
The study found out that: the number one means of acquisitioning materials at the library was through purchase means whereas the least was through inter library membership. The most reported significance of a CDP to a library was its use as a planning tool especially during the acquisition process followed by its necessity to protect the library and as a decision making tool. Only few reported its use as a training document and as a communication tool. The most reported challenge experienced at a library operating without a CDP was Poor storage (18,100%) followed by poor planning (16, 89%), miscommunication (15, 83%), selection problem (11, 61%), and indecision (09, 50%) as the least. Majority (15, 83%) of the respondents mentioned of drafting a collection development policy to combat the challenges. Majority (14, 93%) of these also reported the requirement of Needs assessment whereas the least (12, 80%) reported weeding as requirement required of the CDP at KPS library and this was the least report.
The study concluded that: The library relies mostly on secured funds to acquisition resources. All the reported significances of a CDP by the different respondents are key for any CDP in a library. It’s definitely true that a library can face a number of challenges as reported from the findings if a CDP is not in place to guide the activities of acquisition, selection, evaluation, policy analysis and many more. The reported challenges root from the absence of a CDP thus the respondents’ high recommendations and expression of interest in designing a collection development policy at KPS library.
The study recommended that: Users of different units and user categories (pupils, library staff, school administrators and teachers) especially those with knowledge of library science should fully participate in the design of collection development policy. The library administration together with the school administrators should find a way of incorporating acquisition means of Exchange to reduce over reliance on purchase, donations and other reported means. User categories should be educated on the use and importance of a collection development policy at the library. A collection development policy should be developed consequently to define the scope and nature of library materials and also guide in the selection, evaluation, acquisition and maintenance of the library collection at KPS.