A library user education manual for Lubiri Senior Secondary School
The aim of the project was to design a Library User Education Manual for Lubiri Senior Secondary School Library. The objectives of the study were to; identify the information needs of Lubiri Senior Secondary School Library Users, establish the services provided, establish how users of Lubiri SSS Library access/utilize information, examine the challenges faced in provision of User Education services and design a library user education manual for Lubiri Senior Secondary School Library.
The services provided by Lubiri SSS Library were; circulation services, free computer use and internet, reference services, reading space and current awareness services. The study established that the school library provides library user education services in order to; acquaint students with available information resources and their formats, exposure of students to the services provided by the library, equip students with good search skills, help students to become independent learners, help students to exploit available resources to boost academic performance and inform the students about library rules and regulations.
The challenges in providing the library user education services were; inadequate room for library instruction, shortage of staff (librarians) to instruct library users, inadequate time for library instruction, non utilization of ICT for library instruction, students’ lack of interest in library instruction programme, lack of adequately equipped school library, students’ dependence on class notes for everything, inadequacy of fund for library user education programs, library personnel not properly attending to the need of students, and lack of timetable for the library user education programs.
The strategies suggested to promote library user education at Lubiri SS Library were; developing a library user education guide, developing an orientation program, setting up instructions on how to use the library holdings, providing rules and regulations, setting up literature search training.
The study concluded that there was a need to develop a library user education manual to guide the librarians in providing library education services to the users. The study recommended that Lubiri Secondary School library should adopt the proposed user education manual, adopt a web base user education manual, upgrade its ICTs system, library staff should be trained further in public relations aspects, and provide adequate accessibility to resources.