Analysis of records storage and disposal
The study was undertaken to assess records storage and disposal at St. Augustine’s college
Wakiso It was centered on the following objectives below: To find out the types of records generated and kept at St Augustine’s College Wakiso, To assess the records storage at St Augustine’s College Wakiso, To examine the records retention and disposal schedule at St Augustine’s College Wakiso, To assess the records disposal methods used at St Augustine’s
College Wakiso, To find out the challenges faced in records storage and disposal at St Augustine’s College Wakiso and To suggest solutions to the challenges records storage and disposal at St Augustine’s College Wakiso
The study adopted a case study design. Qualitative approach was used in the study and data
was collected using interviews and observation. A sample size of nine respondents was
selected using purposive sampling that is to say the school head teacher (1), bursar (2),Dos
(1), nurse (2), secretaries (1), and the records officer/ librarian (2), making it a total
population of nine (9). By Use the purposive sampling method, the researcher arrived on a
sample size of nine (9) respondents and only six were present and directly involved in the
study through the interview method.
The study findings revealed that there were no enough records staff and few respondents
were aware of policy and procedures of records storage and disposal. The facilities used to
store records included; files, filling cabinet, computers and shelves. However, records storage
facilities were not enough to meet the need of school. Also space was not enough to keep
both current and semi current records at the same place. There was misplacement of files due
to poor storage, however.
The study recommended that the school should consider re-allocating or construct a records
office, increasing funding and fully automating and computerizing its records management
functions to enhance service delivery to all its stakeholders. More so, the school should
consider training for all staffs within the department and also implementation of electronic
records management system to ensure there is proper and timely information