Assessing the management of records at St Peters Primary School, Nsambya
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the management of records at St Peters Primary School, Nsambya received the attention it deserves. The study was guided by four objectives and these included; to identify the types of records created and kept, to examine how records are stored, disposed and retrieved, to identify the challenges affecting management of records, to suggest possible solutions to the challenges that affect management of records at St Peters Primary School, Nsambya. Extensive literature was reviewed in order to achieve the research objectives. The concept of records, their types as well as the life-cycle, the challenges of records management were looked at in order to acquire a deeper understanding of the topic under study. The problem under investigation was why records are not properly managed. The study adopted both quantitative and qualitative research design which involved administration of semi-structured interviews to sample size of three (3) who comprised of the School Bursar, Store Administrator and the Deputy Academics basing on a simple random sampling technique. Both primary and secondary source of data were used. Primary data was collected through interview and observation while articles from the internet, journals and books were consulted by the researcher as secondary data. The study findings revealed that the records management at St Peters Primary School, Nsambya was not well attended to basing from the results which indicated that the school has never disposed its records ever since its establishment, lack of office space to store records, low levels of skills and training in records management and lack of awareness and existence of the records management policy. The study recommended that the school should adopt a records management policy, train its staff on simple records management standards and set up a special room to house its records such as a registry. The research concluded that the school has worked on records management problems though inadequate space to store records is a major challenge.