Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Aesthetic value of Luganda proverbs of caution.
(Makerere University., 2024-01-24)
In the past years, many things have changed in our cultural norms where people take traditional wisdom in form of proverbs as just a normal and unjustified way of speaking rather than acknowledging the usefulness of ...
Theme of morality in the selected Ankole proverbs.
(Makerere University, 2024-06-17)
The major concern of this work is to examine the theme of Morality inAnkole proverbs .
These proverbs helps in the devolpment of themes and significances towards the development of lessons in proverbs.
The researcher ...
An exploration of language strategies in selected Runyankole proverbs.
(Makerere University, 2024-10-10)
This research explores the language strategies of proverbs: A case Study of the selected proverbs of the Banyankole. It aims at finding how different language strategies Ankole proverbs affect their aesthetic and cultural ...
Patriachy in selected Sabiny proverbs.
(Makerere University, 2024-09-24)
This study explores patriarchy in selected Sabiny proverbs. Through the analysis of 50 Kupsabiny proverbs, I discovered that proverbs were mainly used by the elders and the use of proverbs by the young generation is very ...
Examine irony in selected Kinyankole proverbs
(Makerere University, 2024-05)
The study sets to analyse irony used in kinyankole proverbs focusing on theme of hard work and child upbringing, This research sets to use only two forms of irony that is verbal and situational irony.This research showed ...
Proverbs as stylistic innovation in Chinua Achbe's Things fall apart.
(Makerere University, 2024-11-01)
This research examines proverbs as stylistic innovation in this dissertation as a literally study which is concerned with the analysis of proverbs found in the novel Things F all A part written by Chinua Achebe. The objective ...
Symbolism in selected Soga proverbs
(Makerere University, 2024-06)
The study covered symbolism as portrayed in Soga proverbs with Busoga region as the case Study. It was propelled by the desire to find out the object and action symbols portrayed in these proverbs. It mainly used the method ...
Nafasi Ya Jazanda Na Takriri Katika Methali Za Kiswahili Na Kinyankore
Utafiti huu uliangalia nafasi ya jazanda na takriri katika methali za Kinyankole na Kiswahili. Madhumuni ya utafiti huu yalikuwa ni
kuchambua mifano ya methali za kinyankole na kiswahili. Pili, utafiti ulilenga
kuchambua ...