Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Symbolism in proverbs of the Bahororo.
(Makerere University., 2022-05-11)
This research study was aimed at exploring the significance of symbols in the interpretation and understanding of proverbs among the Bahororo of Western Uganda. In this research study, I came up with a list of the proverbs ...
Symbolism in proverbs on development among the Banyankole of Western Uganda
(Makerere University, 2022)
This research was mainly carried out to examine and analyze the manifestation of symbolism in proverbs on development among the Banyankole of western Uganda. The findings of this research are elaborate to the dot and they ...
Symbolism in Acholi selected proverbs.
(Makerere university, 2023-03-16)
This study intensively explores the effectiveness of symbolism in selected proverbs in Acholi. The study specially looks at the effectiveness of symbolism in selected proverbs in Acholi which includes the moral lessons, ...
A Study of symbolism in Ganda proverbs.
(Makerere University, 2022-11-21)
In a society, people are from different cultures that have norms, beliefs and practices that join them. In Buganda, people use Luganda as their official language which they use for communication. Buganda tribe is one of ...
Symbolism in Rukiga proverbs about hard work.
(Makerere University, 2023-03-13)
According to the study conducted, little has been in the area that is symbolism in proverb about hard work among the Bakiga. In this case, people have not put much attention to these proverbs for they just mix them with ...
Symbolism in proverbs among the Baganda: a case study of the Kiganda proverbs
(Makerere University, 2023-03-10)
This study looks at proverbs about friends and close relatives among the Baganda in Central Uganda. It asserts that a proverb refers to one of the most vital types of oral Literature of the Baganda on which this study ...
A study of symbolism and hyperbole in use of proverbs: a case study of selected Ateso proverbs
(Makerere University, 2023-06)
The research was carried out in Iteso community a case study of Bukedea District. This study was intended to examine the use of proverbs among the Iteso people. It focused on the identification of several proverbs that ...
Symbolism in selected Soga proverbs
(Makerere University, 2024-06)
The study covered symbolism as portrayed in Soga proverbs with Busoga region as the case Study. It was propelled by the desire to find out the object and action symbols portrayed in these proverbs. It mainly used the method ...