Factors Affecting Students’ Level of Performance in Ordinary Level in Gulu Municipality
This study was conducted to examine different factors influencing the academic performance of ordinary level students in Gulu Municipality. Several studies have highlighted different factors that affect students’ performance however no studies have looked at the factors affecting performance of students in Gulu Municipality. The main objective of this study was to determine the factors that affect the level of academic performance of students in ordinary level in Gulu Municipality. Studies have been done in the educational data mining area to search out what are all the factors that have an effect on a student’s academic performance. I used a questionnaire for information gathering about different factors relating to academic performance of students. Univariate, Bivariate and Multivariate were used in the analysis of the findings and Multinomial logistics regression was applied to investigate the effect of different factors on students’ level of academic performance in Gulu Municipality.
The results of the study revealed that students who performed well at PLE, job of the person who pays school fees, what students used for sitting in class, father’s, mother’s and guardian’s education level of the students, the school having a school library, father’s employment status and with properly ventilated classrooms are more likely to excel while at secondary level. To the contrary sex of the student, age, parent’s marital status, how often a student visits the library, communication with teachers about performance, mother’s and guardian’s employment status, school has sufficient teachers, teachers have sufficient teaching equipment were found not to be significant factors.
To improve the performance, there is need for schools to make provision for more and better classroom sitting facilities, ensure that the classes are well ventilated, there should be staff motivation so as to encourage them to report to schools to perform their duties in the classrooms and a functional school library should be put in the secondary schools in Gulu Municipality