Analysis of records management practices at Winston Standard Secondary School, Najjanankumbi, Entebbe
This study focused on analysis of records management practices at WSSS. There had been noticeable problems like loss of files, signs of deteriorations of paper based storage containers, disorganization in offices that roused the researcher’s interest to find out how records managers have applied records management practices efficiently and effectively to prolong the life of records at WSSS.
The study was guided by objectives which included: To identify the types of records created and kept at WSSS, to analyze the current records management practices performed at WSSS, to examine whether records management practices at WSSS conform to the records management standards, to examine the challenges faced during records management at WSSS, to recommend possible strategies for improving records management at WSSS.
The study employed qualitative research design and data collection methods like interviews, questionnaires and observation with tools like interview guides, questionnaires and observation guides which were respectively employed to collect and analyze data. A sample was selected purposively to capture the attention of those directly involved in managing and use of records at WSSS. A sample size of 12 respondents was used since this number is reasonable enough to give clear and well defined information and the respondents were deemed knowledgeable about records management at WSSS.
Findings revealed that WSSS records management practices are not standardized in regards to the current international records management standards. The research was exposed to the problems associated with the current records management practices among which included; difficulties in tracking and retrieval, records deterioration and others.
The research concluded that WSSS needs to improve on such practices if it is to prolong the life of the active records.
The research, therefore, recommends digitization, automation to help resolve storage space, continuous training of staff and users in current practices and information technologies and the area for further research.