Factors influencing domestic tourists’ destination choice among residents of Kampala district
This study was carried out to assess the factors influencing domestic tourists’ choice of destination among residents of Kampala district.
The objectives of the study were; to examine the factors that influence residents of Kampala to engage in domestic tourism, to examine the factors that influence the destination choice for domestic tourism among residents of Kampala district and to assess the effectiveness of strategies to promote domestic tourism.
In a bid to achieve the following objectives primary and secondary data was collected by the researcher and descriptive analysis was carried out. A sample of 62 respondents was interviewed and these included 50 domestic tourists, 10 tour companies and 2 Uganda Tourism Board officials who were picked through purposive sampling. The research findings revealed that most domestic tourists travel due to the need to rest and relax as well as the influence of their friends and relatives. The study also revealed that the main factors that influence residents of Kampala district choice of destination for domestic tourism are costs incurred to access the destination and at the destination, image of the destination and the security at the destination. The most effective strategies that the respondents identified include advertisement of tourism products and services, domestic tourism campaigns like Tulambule and improved security at the destiantions. The study recommends setting up more affordable accommodation facilities, construction of a railway network connecting different destinations and introduction of vacation leave.