Assessing the Adoption of Mobile Survey and Data Collection Tools for Field Level Survey and Data Collection in Uganda
This study was undertaken with the aim of assessing the adoption of mobile survey and data collection tools for field level survey and data collection in Uganda. The study objectives included to ascertain the relationship between infrastructure development and the adoption of mobile survey tools for field level monitoring and data collection, to determine the relationship between the costs and the adoption and use of mobile survey tools for field level monitoring and data collection,to establish the relationship between the number of skilled staff and the adoption of mobile survey tools for field level monitoring and data collection.
The study adopted a mixed approach. The cross-sectional research design where quantitatively data was collected using structured questionnaires targeting staff in the civil society organizations.
Data was analyzed using SPSS, which when used provides a variety of statistical measures like percentages, mean, standard deviation, variances etc. The study achieved 100% response rate since all questionnaires administered were filled and returned. The study population comprised of twenty people who were using purposive sampling method as the researcher picked on respondents basing on their role in the procurement process in arriving at the sample size. The analysis of the primary data indicated that infrastructure, costs and labour all had an effect on adoption and use of the tools.
The researcher, therefore, recommends internet connectivity in rural areas should be improved to enable researchers to transmit data to servers, fair packages for purchase of data collection tools like hire purchase should be provided at gadget stores to enable researchers to acquire tools and pay smaller amounts for a long period of time other than a lumpsum ,researchers can seek out for arrangements where they can hire tablets for data collection and manufacturers of mobile
devices should endeavor to make more long-lasting batteries to support field level data collection for a long period of time.