Noise level analysis and management possibilities in incompatible land use zones of Kampala city; A case study of Naguru ward.
The main aim of this study was to assess the noise level and management possibilities in Naguru ward. A total of 30 locations were selected for noise measurements and 50 people participated in the study using questionnaires.
During the study various methods and techniques of data collection and analysis were applied during the study and these included reviews of relevant literature relating to sources, noise levels, effects and management possibilities. Observations, interviewing, questionnaire method of data collection and incidental sampling were also used in this study. The main analysis technique applied included cross tabulation, trough and trend analysis. Also, descriptive and inferential methods of analysis techniques were applied.
The study found out that the main source of noise in Naguru ward is traffic noise emanating from vehicles engines and constant hooting by taxi drivers. Traffic noise recorded noise levels stood at 84 dB. Other sources include music concerts and outdoor events, church and worship, trade shows and fairs, shopping at centres such as game and Shoprite, recreational activities of sports i.e. football at StarTimes stadium Lugogo, rugby at legends rugby grounds. Simultaneously or individually, these activities are the biggest sources of noise within Naguru Ward.
The research also found out that the effects of the noise on the people and environment ranges loss of sleep, difficulty in concentration, to general disturbance on the different activity category within Naguru ward example those who live, work and play within the neighbourhood.
While it is subjective, noise can be effectively reduced and managed by providing land use zoning, planting of trees, use of sound proof celling, depression of street, placement of concrete noise barriers, used of quitter means of transportation. The other remedy entails strengthening and enforcing existing laws governing noise pollution, sensitization of people based on the fact that people produce noise sometimes unknowingly.
When carefully implemented, the noise reduction strategy described in this study can have enormous results on the level of noise within Naguru Ward.