Illustration as a form of preserving the cultural Heritage of Buganda: A case study of Uganda comic books and Animated films.
The study was meant to assess the use of comic books and animated films in preserving the cultural heritage of Buganda.
More so, the thesis was based on the following objectives in relation to the study topic
i. To find out if Ugandan comic books and animated films have been used to preserve the cultural heritage of Buganda. ii. To establish the items of cultural heritage of Buganda. iii. To illustrate the cultural heritage of Buganda.
In chapter one, the researcher presented the introductory part of the entire study, the background of the study, the research problem, purpose of the study, objectives, research questions, significance of the study, and the scope of the study.
In chapter two, the researcher presented some of the related literature in relation to the study objectives, quotations were made basing on the study of the research.
Chapter three involved the methodology, the researcher presented the research design, area of the study, target population, sampling, data collection methods, research instruments, data processing and analysis.
In chapter four, the researcher presented, analyzed, interpreted, and discussed the findings or the information got from the field basing on the objectives of the study.
Finally, in chapter five of the study, the conclusions, and recommendations were made basing on the results got from the field.+