Tourism potential of Lake Wamala in Mityana district
The initial step to understanding the potentiality of any tourist attraction involves knowing the various tourism products and activities, , benefits from the tourist attraction and the constraints and therefore, this study aimed at assessing tourism potential of Lake Wamaala which is located in Mityana district in the central parts of Uganda. The specific objectives were: identifying the major tourism products on Lake Wamaala, assessing how the tourism products and activities can be promoted, identifying the challenges of developing Lake Tourism in Mityana district. The study employed a cross-sectional descriptive survey design on a sample size of 30 respondents who were UTB and local government officials and then local communities from where both qualitative and quantities data were obtained, it involved the use of semi structured questionnaires for data collection though other research instrument include observation and interviews. Data wereorganized, coded and entered into statistical package for social scientist (SPSS) and analyzed for descriptive statistics. The results indicate that the tourist attractions greatly contribute to the growth and development of the district and the country at large despite of some constraints which reduce Lake Wamaala level of potential success. Therefore, it is recommended that there should be appropriate allocation of funds in the sector, maintenance and rehabilitation of the already existing sites, improving on the security in the area for the safety of the tourist and more others.