The challenges of managing road reserves in Uganda: A case study of Adjumani Town Council.
In a Town that is continuously experiencing rapid growth and increase in population, the importance of an efficient transport system cannot be stressed enough. The contribution of road network in transport system is greater; in Uganda roads carry 90% of passenger and freight traffic. Nonetheless roads provide reserves that accommodate other infrastructural facilities and utilities such as electricity lines, water lines, telephone lines, internet lines, among others. Therefore, these road reserves have to be protected and managed in an efficient manner. In cities and towns in the developing world, (Adjumani town) planned road reserves have continuously shifted from their initial status or widths to miserable status. for instance most roads in Adjumani town are narrow thus not to the acceptable standards due to manifestation of managerial challenges by council in managing these road reserves and this has contributed a lot in encroachment of these road reserves. This study therefore assessed status of planned road reserves in Adjumani town and set to find out the challenges in managing road reserve that have caused the gradual encroachments. Taking Adjumani town Central Business District (CBD) as the case, the study was carried out in Central one cell. It focused on the causes of encroachment on road reserves with particular emphasis to the challenges encountered in road reserve management as a key cause of encroachment on road reserves. The initial widths of these road reserves were considered in the study. Data for the study was collected from two main sources, literature review and actual site visits to the study area. Secondary data was obtained from both published and unpublished materials, library and internet research. Primary data obtained from the field was captured by photography, distribution of questionnaires to key respondents, interviews and observation among other methods and analyzed by the use of quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods including SPSS and the output presented in the form of graphs and pie charts.
Findings from the study indicate that the major challenge in managing road reserves is limited community sensitization. Besides that other challenges were Old laws and their limited enforcement, lack of clear demarcation, political influence, corruption, high rate of informality among others. The study finally recommends for better management of road reserves, solutions for the above challenges must be found as well as it proposed measures to be used in road reserve management.