The germination percentage and performance of Pinus caribaea seedlings under different Mycorrhizal soil ratios insitu
The study aimed at determining the effect of mycorrhizal soil ratios on the germination percentage and performance of Pinus carribaea seedlings insitu. Seedlings were subjected to five different mycorrhizal soil to topsoil ratios treatment. A complete randomized block design was used with 3 replicates and 5 treatments namely:100% mycorrhizae soil and 0% topsoil; 20% mycorrhizae soil and 80% topsoil; 50% mycorrhizae and 50% top soil; 80% mycorrhizae soil and 20% top soil; and finally 0% mycorrhiza soil and 100% top soil. The results indicate that there was a significant difference in germination percentage, mean height, root collar diameter, and survival percentage. The treatment ratio of 100% mycorrhizae soil and 0% topsoil had the highest mean heights, root collar diameter, and survival rate. These parameters decreased with an increase in the proportion of topsoil. Therefore, mycorrhizae rich soils are essential in the raising of Pinus carribaea seedlings in the nursery and where Pinus plantations are well established, the treatment ratio 5:0 (100% mycorrhizae soil) is recommended.