Analysing the records filing systems at kiboga district Local Government Central Registry
Good records management through effective filing systems will promote efficient and effective running of the organization in ways of service delivery such as easy access and retrieval, timeless locating of records by the records staff, ensuring regulatory compliance, minimizing litigation risks, promoting accountability among others. The aim of this study was to analyze the records filing systems at Kiboga District Local Government Central Registry. The study was a case study and qualitative in nature and it used interview, observation and content review guides as the tools of collecting data. The study sample included 4 records staff, 2 management officials (administrators) and 4 clients. Interview guides were the key data collection tools supplemented by the content review and observation guides. Some of the key findings included the forms, types and categories of records kept at Kiboga District Local Government and the types of files, filing systems, filing equipments and supplies and the importance of filing records at Kiboga District Local Government. The major findings showed that subject and numeric systems are the major filing systems used and filing is at the largest extent done manually apart from the few records that are filed electronically on computers, the researcher also found that KDLG has a records filing policy, guidelines and procedures that are strictly followed in the filing process and there are some challenges faced in filing of both electronic and paper records at KDLG. It is out of those findings that the study proposed a number of recommendations which included the need for in service training of all records staff, a need to provide enough and modern filing materials and equipments for both electronic and paper records, a need to digitize paper records into electronic format to reduce the risk of information loss, a need to provide ICT materials like computer hardware and software to reduce on work overload and improve on productivity, a need to develop and regularly update of a disaster management plan to cope with natural disasters and ensuring that the filing and classification scheme is understood and properly followed by the records staff most especially the responsible person.