Abusive Supervision, Belief in a Just World and Organisational Commitment among Staff of Highland Mineral Water
The study focused on Abusive Supervision, Belief in a Just World and Organisational Commitment among Staff of Highland Mineral Water. The study objectives were to examine the relationship between abusive supervision, and belief in a just world, identify the relationship between belief in a just world and organisational commitment and to examine the relationship between abusive supervision, and organisational commitment. The study adopted a cross sectional survey because it involved visiting the case study several times to get clarity in the study result. The study used questionnaires to get primary data as well as observation on study variables. Krejcie and Morgan, 1970 table was used in determining sample size for Research Activities. Data was analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 20. Frequencies, percentages, and tables were generated to analyze the bio-data information while ranks correlation coefficient was used to establish the relationship between the study variables. The findings indicated that there were more male employees than their female counterparts. Majority of the respondents were in the age range between 25-34 years while the least were aged between 55-64 years. Majority of the employees had worked with the organisation for the period of 1-5years. Findings also found that there was no significant relationship between abusive supervision and Belief in a Just World with r =-.052 and p>.748 and that there was no significant relationship between belief in a just world and organisational commitment with r =-.147 and p>.364. There was no significant relationship between abusive supervision and organisational commitment with r =.072 and p>.659. In conclusion, the findings indicated that Abusive supervision, Belief in a just world and organisational commitment are not significantly related, implyng that Abusive supervision does not affect belief in a just world, Belief in a just world does not affect organisational commitment and Abusive supervision does not affect organisational commitment among employees of Highland mineral Water. The study concludes with recommendations that the management of Highland mineral water should put in place mechanisms of curbing down abusive supervision to avoid low levels of organisational commitment by the employees. In addition, management should invest time and resources towards discovering how supervisors manage employee to better Organisational commitment, as well as the general employees’ welfare.