Changing faces in the performance of Sabiny initiation songs among the Sabiny of Uganda.
This study seeks to investigate the changing faces in the performance of Sabiny initiation songs. A lot of change has taken place in relation to the performance of this songs whereby this songs are sung and performed in other contexts that is not initiation like cultural galas at school and music festivals.
The dilemma and problem in the change in performance of these songs is that the original intended meaning of these songs is slowly dying away since when they are sung outside initiation period, the meaning is not the same at all.
Primary and Secondary sources of data were consulted. Collection of primary data involved carrying out both participant and non-participant observations in Kapchorwa district. Interviews were also employed in primary sources. Secondary sources included information from written materials like books, journals, reports, articles and periodicals
Findings of this research are a record of Sabiny initiation music, which is ever evolving to conform to the changing socio cultural and economic situation of the society. The findings are a repository for reference by future generations in scholarship and ethno musicological research.