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dc.contributor.authorAchola, Winnie Stella
dc.identifier.citationAchola, W. S. (2019).Current water quality status of the shores of Lake Victoria in Bweranga. This is an undergraduate dissertation.en_US
dc.descriptionA dissertation submitted to Agriculture and Environmental Sciences in partial fulfillment of an award of a degree of Bachelor of Science in Environment, Makerere University.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe project of NWSC at Bweranga involves development of a new water intake and treatment plant with the overall objective to improve the quality of life, health and economy of people in the South and West of greater Kampala. This objective can only be achieved with a good water quality supply in sufficient amounts. Research shows that water quality in Lake Victoria is drastically reducing due to pollution. However research shows that some parts of Lake Victoria are not polluted hence pursuit by NWSC to construct a treatment plant in one of the sites at Bweranga in Entebbe Wakiso District. The aim of this research was to document the current quality of water at the shores of Lake Victoria in Bweranga using the selected parameters of EC, Temperature, pH, BOD, Turbidity, TSS, Nitrates, FC, Phytoplankton abundance and species. All analyses were done in NWSC’s central laboratory in Bugolobi, Kampala District. The results showed that all the tested parameters were within the limits of the standards of drinking water quality for Ugandaen_US
dc.publisherMakerere University.en_US
dc.subjectWater Quality and Lake Victoriaen_US
dc.subjectLake Victoria and Environmenten_US
dc.titleCurrent water quality status of the shores of Lake Victoria in Bweranga.en_US

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