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dc.contributor.authorKwikiriza, Stephen
dc.identifier.citationKwikiriza, S. (2019). Assessing active records storage and security at masindi district local government (MDLG) central registry. Undergraduate dissertation. Makerere University.en_US
dc.descriptionA dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of bachelor of records and archives management of Makerere Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractA study was carried out on the assessing of active records storage and security at Masindi District Local Government (MDLG) Central Registry and the objectives of the study were; to establish the current status of records storage and security; to find out how active records storage and security is managed; to identify the challenges of active records storage and security; and to make suggestions for the best practices in storage and security of records at Masindi District Local Government Central Registry. The research a case study design. The researcher purposively selected four (4) respondents from Masindi District Local Government Registry. This study was a single based study which conducted a qualitative evidence to address the initial proposals of the study. Descriptive analysis was used in presenting the finding/results of the study. On the current status of records storage and security at Masindi District Local Government Central registry; study findings revealed that correspondence are carefully placed in file folders and it’s by means of filing records which is the most common means that is currently used for proper storage and security of active records. These files are regularly used for both subject and personal documents such as pension files, payroll files, and personal files. Additionally, according to the study results, cabinets are equally currently used by MDLG central registry for active records storage and security. Shelves are also used to keep personal files for example the staff files, teachers, support staff and health staff. On management of active records storage and security at MDLG; the findings revealed that the active records storage and security at Masindi District Local Government Central registry are managed through filing, scanning of documents and use of file cabinets which are the most common means of active records storage and security at MDLG central registry. On the challenges of active records storage and security; the study results also revealed that the most challenge of active records storage and security at Masindi District Local Government Central registry is limited stationary, virus for the electronic and limited space. On the suggestions for best practices in storage and security of records at Masindi District Local Government Central registry; installation of new and updated strong Anti-virus software, such as Avast and Smadov should be installed to prevent viruses from attacking electronic records. The study therefore recommends that Masindi Local Government Central Registry should concentrate more on developing an effective and more efficient electronic type of records x classification and storage since these will enable easy and faster record keeping and retrieval and guarantees safety of the records kept. The records managers at Masindi Local Government should be sponsored or encouraged to attend seminars hosted by the professional bodies. Proper orientation and in service training should be given to both new and old workers of the Local government on records storage and security. Last but not least, virus attack is a serious issue in network environments. The record keepers at Masindi Local Government Central Registry should attend seminars on networking problems or internet challenges. This will improve records storage and security at the organization.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectRecords managementen_US
dc.subjectMasindi District Local Governmenten_US
dc.titleAssessing active records storage and security at masindi district local government (MDLG) central registryen_US

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