Assessment of records security at Redan Institute of Innovation
The study was carried out on the assessment of records security at Redan Institute of Innovation. The objectives of the study were to, to identify the different types of records that are generated in Redan Institute of Innovation, to examine how records are secured in Redan Institute of Innovation, to identify the challenges facing the security of records at Redan Institute of Innovation, to make recommendations on how to improve the security of records at Redan Institute of innovation.
The study used a case study research design. The researcher purposively selected ten (10) respondents to participate in the study from whom detailed information was to be obtained and the others were prioritized according to the willingness to provide answers to the data collection instruments. Data was collected using interview and observation guides.
The major findings showed that Redan Institute of innovation generates and receives records on a daily basis both electronically and manually. It was noted that the institution faces security threats of records and these included use of insecure locks, lack of security technology, lack of storage areas assessment, misplacement of files, records alteration, improper disposal of records and technical vulnerability.
The suggestions on the improvement of records security at the institution included having the right staff, ensuring security checks regularly, improvement on the password security used for online records, ensuring centralization of the departments at Redan Institute of Innovation and lastly enforcement for the centralization of records would increase on the records security as all records would need to be accessed from a particular area upon which security policies can be implemented.