Trend Analysis of the Tourists in Uganda
This study is about analyzing the trend of tourists in Uganda between 2000 to 2017 a period of 18 years. The main objective of this study was to make an analysis of the trend in the tourism sector as well as its contribution to National Domestic Product (GDP).The study was based on three specific objectives, namely; to establish factors affecting tourism, to establish the reasons that explain the tourist trends in Uganda, to establish the trend of Tourists in Uganda and their Demographic Characteristics from 2000-2018 etc .Secondary data from 2000 to 2017 was downloaded from Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) and used for analysis. Data was entered and analyzed using excels and STATA ver. 8 and was summarized using frequency tables, bar graphs and line graphs which describe trends and variations of the variables complied from the immigration declaration cards filled by visitors.
The study found out that Uganda‟s tourist growth is attributed to its abundant attractions, the unique mountain gorillas are one the main reasons why visitors all over the world flow into the country to take part in gorilla safaris. Market and research in Uganda‟s tourism industry has also been a vital factor while on a local basis, the Uganda Tourism Board has also managed to create awareness amongst the nationals and East Africa at large. Conservation policies have also been established through putting stringent policies on poaching in national parks like Queen Elizabeth, Murchison falls among others. The study also revealed that tourist arrivals in Uganda increased to 1,449 Thousand in 2017 from 1,323 Thousand in 2016. Tourist Arrivals in Uganda averaged 648.79 Thousand from 1,990 until 2017, reaching an all-time high of 1449 Thousand in 2017 and a record low of 69 Thousand in 1990.
With the exception of routine data collections by statutory organisations (UWA, UBoS and the Migration Department), little research has been conducted on tourism in Uganda. The Migration Department collects information on individuals entering and exiting the country. Other information collected includes nationality of individuals visiting the country and duration of stay. Given that the country has a number of entry/exit ports, including Entebbe International Airport
and other border posts, efforts should be made to collect more substantial data on arrivals by use of existing local service providers in the tourism sector.