Assessment of compliance to sterile parenteral chemotherapeutic drug reconstitution at Uganda Cancer Institute
Background: Cancer is one of the leading causes of death globally, with 32,617 new cancer cases and 21,829 cancer deaths that occurred in 2018 only in Uganda. To reduce this burden, UCI offers chemotherapeutic treatment. However other studies show that death has been associated with contaminations of the reconstituted chemotherapeutic drugs.
Aim: We assessed the compliance to sterile parenteral chemotherapeutic drug reconstitution area of the pharmacy of UCI.
Methods: Swabs were taken from the surfaces at the chemotherapeutic drug reconstitution area of the pharmacy of UCI. These swabs were serially diluted and cultured on media plates. Air was also sampled using settle plate technique. The colonies formed were expressed in Cfu/ml and the potential nosocomial pathogen(s) were isolated and confirmed using gram stain and biochemical tests. Thereafter, data was statistically analyzed using SPSS version 20.0.
Results: The mean log bacterial load on work surfaces between 7:00am – 7:30 am and 12:30pm-1:00pm was 4.1172 and 3.2851 (CFUs/ml) respectively. Staphylococcus aereus (10%) and coliform (5%) were major nosocomial pathogens identified on work surfaces. 100% of the personnel observed did not fill hygiene and garbing competence forms, however, 82.3% of these personnel disinfected the surface of the ISO class 5 device with appropriate agent prior to reconstitution. The facilities were 40% compliant as compared with USP (general chapter 797, 2008 edition).
Conclusion and recommendations: UCI drug reconstitution area is clean with respect to common nosocomial pathogens however there is bacterial contamination and this was high in the morning than afternoon, and work surfaces were more contaminated than air. General Personnel performance was above average, facilities were not compliant to the standards. This calls for more interventions for further improvement