Paintings and sculptures from Mary Stuart Hall in the past 20 years in Makerere University.
The study was meant to explore the paintings and sculptures from Mary Stuart Hall in the past 20 years in Makerere University. More so, thesis was based on following objectives in relation to the study topic. In chapter one, the researcher presented the introductory part of the entire study, history of sculptures, history of paintings, statement of the problem, purpose statement, significance of the study, limitations of the study, objectives, research questions, scope of the study and time of the study. In chapter two, the researcher presented the literature review which included the introduction, roles of sculptures, materials used in making sculptures, roles of paintings and materials used in painting. In chapter three, the researcher presented the methodology which included the introduction, research design, area of the study, population of the study, data collection methods like questionnaire, interviewing In chapter four, the researcher presented the data presentation and analysis, the introduction, data analysis from the questionnaires and results from the observation. In chapter five, the researcher presented the observation and findings, conclusion, recommendation and summary of the study.