Assessment of the Factors Affecting the Level of Investment in Uganda: A Case Study of Namanve Industrial Area
A good investment climate provides opportunities and incentives for firms to invest profitably, create jobs and expand output, thereby increasing investment and growth. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors affecting the level of investment in Uganda with a case study of UIA. The specific objectives of the study were; to examine how given factors affect the level of investment in Uganda, to find out whether there is a relationship between infrastructure and investment and, to identify whether there is a relationship between the level of taxation and investment in Uganda. The study adopted a cross sectional research design. Simple random techniques were also employed in the sampling process. Quantitative data collection methods were also employed in the data collection and data was analyzed using SPSS software and was presented in form of univariate, bivariate and multi-variate analysis. The study found out that favorable macroeconomic and political stability are the main factors affecting level of investment. Thus macroeconomic, political stability, affordable labor, access to domestic and regional markets were found to significantly affect investment. More so, infrastructure and level of taxation was found to significantly affect level of investment. The study adopted a cross sectional research design where both primary and secondary data was collected. Simple random sampling was employed and a sample of 60 respondents consented to participate in the study. The study further recommended that; the government should impose favorable tax policies so as to increase the level of investment in Uganda, Infrastructural improvement should also be one of the major emphasis in Uganda by the government as it has been seen to affect the level of investment in Uganda and further research should be done on the same topic to identify which specific factors affect the level of investment in Uganda