Major sculpture installations in Kampala by major Artists.
This study was conducted based on the documentation of sculpture installations in Kampala. This study was centered on documenting various sculpture installations in Kampala and more so the artists involved in the making of these sculpture, the locations of these sculptures in Kampala, the techniques used to make these sculptures and the materials involved, the relevance of sculptures in public spaces and to the public living around it and to identify the responsible artists in the establishment of these sculptural works. The research was carried out by use of qualitative methods; in this case the researcher used questionnaires, observation and photographic illustrations.
The report consists of sections and chapters, where the first chapter consists of the background study, statement of the problem, general objectives, and specific objectives, scope of the study and the significance of the study. In the second chapter, is the review of the introduction, general overview of related literature, content of installation sculpture, techniques and maintenance, relevance of installation sculpture and installation sculpture artists. The third chapter gives the structure of the research design where methods of sampling and data collection are presented; the fourth chapter, the researcher dealtwith data analysis where results were collected which included visual, photographic interpretation and descriptive from the research that was carried out by the researcher and directly gives information that will throw light on research problem or the main objectives and questions.
The introduction reviews the status quo as understood by the researcher. This section gives data collection from each objective; it should mention which data collection methods and data i collection instrument used for each data objective.
the fifth chapter, the researcher presents the summary of the findings, conclusions and lendation about the documentation of sculpture installations, content and impact of re installations in Kampala.